Distinguished Alumni


Celebrating Extraordinary Achievement

We are so excited to have celebrated our 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award winners during Homecoming and Family Weekend. The Distinguished Alumni Awards program recognizes CSU alumni who have distinguished themselves professionally, brought honor to the University, and have made significant contributions of time and/or philanthropy to the University and their community. These alumni represent the very best of the values we hold dear – extraordinary achievement, selfless public service, and a lifelong commitment to Ram pride.

Stay tuned for details about the 2025 Distinguished Alumni Awards. We hope to see you there!

Congratulations to the 2024 award winners! 

Award Descriptions and Criteria

William E. Morgan Alumni Achievement Award

This award is named for Colorado State University’s 8th President, Dr. William E. Morgan, whose participation in and commitment to the life of Colorado State University for over 30 years has significantly contributed to Colorado State’s position as a premier institution of higher education. This award is the highest honor given by the Association and is reserved for alumni who have excelled at the national or international level. The purpose of this award is to recognize a graduate of Colorado State University who has attained extraordinary distinction and success in their field of endeavor, whose achievements have brought credit to Colorado State University and benefit to their fellow citizens.

The ideal candidate must have:

• A degree from Colorado State University
• A proven record of extraordinary distinction and accomplishment in their field
• Demonstrated achievements that have brought credit to CSU
• Demonstrated leadership and service to their community and society at large
• Received national or international recognition
• Made a significant contribution of time and talent to the University
• Demonstrated value for the University’s commitment to research, education, extension and service

** Cannot be a current Colorado State University/CSU System employee.

Charles A. Lory Public Service Award

This award is named for Dr. Charles A. Lory, 5th president of Colorado State University, whose leadership helped the University attain a vital balance of teaching, research and service. It is given to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional and sustained leadership in their community, professional field, or personal commitments, and has given a significant contribution of time and talent to the University.

The ideal candidate must have:

• Demonstrated exceptional and sustained leadership in their professional field and/or personal commitments
• Demonstrated extraordinary and exemplary public and/or community service
• Made a significant contribution of time and talent to the University
• A degree from Colorado State University

** Cannot be a current Colorado State University/CSU System employee.

Jim and Nadine Henry Award

This award is given in honor of Jim (’40) and Nadine (Hartshorn) (’41) Henry of Longmont, Colorado, who exemplify extraordinary service to Colorado State University and its academic, athletic, and alumni programs. This award is presented annually to a person who represents the highest goals of the Alumni Association and Colorado State University, and who has given significant support and service to the Alumni Association and the University.

The ideal candidate must:

• Adequately embody and demonstrate the four core values of the CSU Alumni Association: Pride, Tradition, Relationships and Diversity
• Demonstrate a commitment to, and involvement in, the life of the University
• Have given significant support to the CSU Alumni Association and the University
• Demonstrate a record of service to the University, the CSU Alumni Association and Athletics
• A degree from Colorado State University

** Cannot be a current Colorado State University/CSU System employee.

Graduate of the Last Decade Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize a recent graduate for their accomplishments made in the area of career, service, and/or volunteer efforts that have brought honor to the individual and to Colorado State University. The nominee must have graduated from Colorado State University within the last ten years.

The ideal candidate must have:

• Obtained CSU undergraduate degree within the last ten years from the nomination deadline (2010-2020)
• Demonstrated contributions that have brought honor to the individual and to CSU in the area of career, service and/or volunteer efforts

** Cannot be a current Colorado State University/CSU System employee.

Distinguished Athletics Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize an individual for their outstanding commitment to Colorado State University Athletics, who has contributed to the goal of excellence in athletics, and brought honor to the university. The recipient may be a former Athletic Department staff member, former athlete, or dedicated volunteer and must be a Colorado State University alum.

** Cannot be a current Colorado State University/CSU System employee.

College Alumnus Award

Each year, the Colorado State University Alumni Association honors an outstanding alumnus/a from each of the University’s eight colleges. An Honor Alumnus/Alumna is a former student who, by their distinguished career and service to the University, state, nation, or world, has brought honor to Colorado State University and to themselves.

** Cannot be a current Colorado State University/CSU System employee.