Get Your Lifetime Alumni Email Account
Alumni can sign up for an e-mail address. Please note that this offering is only available to graduates of Colorado State University.
If you graduated in spring 2013 or later, you were automatically enrolled for an @alumni e-mail address. Please follow the “Instructions for 2013 and Later Graduates” below.
If you graduated before 2013, please follow the “Creating a Lifetime E-mail Account” instructions below.

Need Help?
If you have any difficulty registering or logging in, please contact the Alumni Association at [email protected] or (800) 286-2586.
Additional Resources
If you have additional questions, such as how to access your account from Outlook or a smart phone, please read more information on the email account support page.
@Rams accounts expire one year after graduation. If you have questions about your prior @rams student account, need help accessing previous data, or need help transferring data from your @rams to your @alumni account, please contact the Central IT Technical Support Helpdesk at (970) 491-7276 or [email protected].
You may also visit the Alumni email support page for further instructions.
Instructions for 2013 and Later Graduates
If you graduated in the spring of 2013 (or later) your account was created for you. All you need to do is create a password, log in, and transfer over any information you want to keep from your account.
Your @rams account expires within a year of graduation, so do this transfer soon!
How Do I Set Up My Email?
You must create a password. Go to the Alumni Password Setup website. Log in with your CSU eID and choose a new password for your lifetime e-mail account. For security purposes, we suggest you create a new password for this account. Your eID is required to start this process and your eID will last for one year after graduation, so you have one year to do this step. The password page described above requires an active eID; if yours is expired, please contact the Alumni Association at [email protected] or (800) 286-2586 and they can help you set a password.
How Do I Access My Lifetime Email?
Once you’ve set your password, you can access your e-mail via Gmail. Log in with firstname.lastname13 and your new password.
The first time you do this, you will also be asked to select your preferred language, type a security word, and accept Google’s terms and conditions.
If you’d like to connect with a smartphone or mobile device, or with Microsoft Outlook, read the FAQ for instructions.
What Else Do I Need to Know?
Your [email protected] address will expire one year from graduation. If you want to continue using the Google Apps service under the domain, you will need to manually transfer the information from your account to your account.